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Lubbock Christian School Photo Session

By April 1, 2019June 21st, 2023No Comments

Photography ‘Day-Session’ For Their New Website! [Coming Soon]

Lubbock Christian School is the oldest private school in Lubbock and is also Jerrod and Carly’s alma-mater, which has taught thousands of amazing students over the past 65 years. They offer classes for pre-kindergarden through 12th grade and employ some of the most exceptional teachers in the greater Lubbock area. We had the honor of taking photos of the entire campus and student body during a school day for a revamp of their website (coming soon). The students and faculty both were so much fun to capture in their day to day life. So many amazing people have been involved in LCS throughout the years, and it is truly a home to us.

Being on the campus brought on so many memories and emotions. Seeing the improvement and growth of the entire school is incredibly encouraging and a joy to see. We had so many amazing years at LCS and it is the teachers and faculty that have made it to be the amazing school that it is. Einstein said best, “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” We would not be where we are today, if it wasn’t for Lubbock Christian. It has been an honor to be able to come back and work with you as adults and we can’t wait to see where God takes you next in the journey.