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Rebus Capital | Real Estate Investing

By December 4, 2020June 21st, 2023No Comments

Working with the Rebus Capital guys was a great experience! They were both professional and fun which always makes our job a whole lot easier.

Cre8ive was called in to create a video that showed how easy the normally overwhelming process of real estate investing can actually be, however when working with a qualified and helpful team of professionals like those at Rebus Capital, they make it easy! These guys truly want to put their best foot forward and obviously are incredibly passionate about investing.

For Cre8ive, this shoot ran smoothly because of the great people involved, although some of the technical aspects were more challenging. We sent out our videographers Jerrod, Tyler, and Eli to capture footage who had to film in some tight spaces with large interview setups. They definitely had to get creative and play Tetris with their equipment, but in the end were able to get some awesome angles and were still able to effectively portray the message.

This ended up being one of our favorite videos this quarter! Big thanks to Rebus team for the opportunity.